
Effective communication strategies to raise a hotel's profile

Restaurant at the Riviera Collection Nice hotel
Bar & Restaurant at the Riviera Collection Hotel, Nice
Did you know? 
By 2022, Booking will be investing 36% (6 billion US$) of its sales in advertising, 88% of it on Google Ads (source: Booking investors relationship). For a hotel generating 1.8 million euros, that's 648,000 euros a year... a figure to keep in mind as you read this article.

Is a hotel communication strategy really necessary?

Before you start reading this long article, isn't it interesting or legitimate to wonder about the benefits of having a communications strategy for a hotel?
Palais Gallien Hotel and Spa swimming pool and terrace
Palais Gallien Hotel & Spa swimming pool, Bordeaux

A hotel's communication strategy versus its lack of one 

Without a communications strategy, or even a marketing budget, a hotel can certainly continue to operate. Customers will come via the platforms, perhaps by chance, through knowledge of the place or thanks to its established reputation. But is this really enough?

Potential risks

Ultra-dependence on Booking and other platforms: what happened to Parisian hotels during the "Gilets Jaunes" and the images of Paris being ransacked on a loop on CNN? No more Americans in Paris. Yet they're the leading clientele in volume and value behind the French. 
Did you know? 
In 2022, Americans will represent 18% of the market in terms of volume of overnight stays in Paris, and 25% in terms of value (source: statistics based on 103,214 anonymized reservations from our Paris hotel customers). 
  • Loss of visibility: Without a communications strategy, the hotel risks losing its visibility and becoming"invisible" in a fiercely competitive market. 
  • Lack of consistency: The absence of a strategy can lead to a lack of consistency in the hotel's communication, which can confuse customers and create bad reviews.
  • Slower growth: Without planning and targeting, a hotel's growth can slow or even stagnate.


  • Save time and money: With little or no investment in hotel marketing, there's more margin at the end of the day, and more time to take care of customers (who stay).
  • Authenticity: An absence of strategy could possibly be perceived as a form of authenticity. The hotel could be seen as a place that prioritizes human contact over marketing strategy.
  • Discovery: Guests who discover the hotel by chance can be pleasantly surprised and become ambassadors for the establishment.
In the remainder of this article, we'll obviously start from the assumption that, yes, it's important to have and follow a communications strategy for your hotel. For an agency like Altelis, whose raison d'être is to support you in developing and executing your strategy, our opinion was quite obvious, and yes, it's important to assume it's biased. 

The challenges of a hotel communications strategy 

Two people sticking sheets of diagrams on the wall
Doing is good, but... it's not enough. You also need to get the word out. Communicate about what you do, about your hotel, your services, your teams, your offers, your environment, your specificities, but also get other stakeholders to communicate about you: customers, suppliers, teams, public and para-public ecosystems (industry associations, hoteliers' associations), the press... Choose the right channels, the right media, the right distribution rhythms. As you can see, hotel communication is a vast and complex subject. 
Your hotel's communication strategy is the invaluable tool that helps shape your hotel's image, build an unshakeable reputation, highlight your services and create a solid bond with all your stakeholders.The aim of this article is to help you think about your hotel's communication strategy, the axes to be determined and the choices to be made , because strategy without help in realistic execution often remains a "dead letter".

Defining the hotel's communication strategy

A team of people chatting around a table in a meeting room.

It all starts with your hotel concept 

Your establishment has its own characteristics, its own constraints, its own history- in short, its own DNA. It will therefore attract a specific target that appreciates your offer. Attracting a different one, blurring the lines, means running the risk of throwing everything off course, and in the end, getting bad feedback, a team under pressure, organizational problems and falling sales. 
On the other hand, having a clear vision of your product, adapting your offering and targeting a specific audience will enable you to define an appropriate communications policy and enter a virtuous circle.

I'm launching an 18-room hotel in Paris's trendy Bastille district. The city, the neighborhood and its "mores", the size of the hotel, the location, the architectural constraints (listed building, no elevator, size of the rooms...), the culture of the hotelier and his wishes for his concept are all constraints to be taken into account... These constraints guide my entire project and will inevitably influence my hotel's communication strategy.

My hotel will be called Ohlala, an original name for a trendy, young, urban clientele. My rooms are small but ultra-comfortable and personalized. I don't have an elevator. I offer a "rooftop " experience right in the heart of the action for city breakers. My rooms are hidden behind a cocktail bar. My team runs the bar and greets guests (I don't have many rooms, so there's no golden key for me). 

The methodical development of a Hotel Communication Strategy: thinking it through and mastering it well

Clearly and methodically defining a hotel's communications strategy is imperative to its success in the ultra-competitive world of our hotel industry. This task encompasses projecting a positive image of the hotel, building a solid reputation, and effectively promoting the services offered.
Hotel communications strategy, by definition, is a comprehensive, coherent plan that guides a hotel's communications efforts. It is used to determine the best way to connect with current and potential guests, while effectively conveying the hotel's concept, brand and image.
The main stages of this plan are as follows: 

Market analysis

To develop an effective communications strategy, you need to conduct a market analysis beforehand. This involves examining the dynamics of the market in which your hotel operates. This includes identifying competitors, examining industry trends, studying best practices and understanding your customers' desires and expectations. Such an analysis enables you to effectively position your hotel and determine how it can stand out from the crowd.

Definition of Objectives

Every effective strategy is based on clearly defined objectives. These must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound) to facilitate monitoring and evaluation

You can set yourself the goal of increasing qualified traffic to your hotel's online site by 20% over the next year. You'll monitor your Google Analytics, see if the duration and engagement correspond to quality traffic. All other things being equal, your direct bookings should increase by up to 20%.

Another possibility is that you may want to increase your qualified followers on Instagram by 50% within the year. By the way, all too often our customers flail about on Instagram without properly considering whether or not it's useful, whether or not the subscribers are interesting. 
Here are some possible criteria to help you determine it:
  • Engagement: A subscriber who regularly interacts with your publications (likes, comments, shares, saves) can be considered valuable. Engagement is a sign that your content is resonating with your audience and generating interest.
  • Fit with the target persona: If your subscriber matches the profile of your ideal customer (in terms of age, interests, geographical location, etc.), this indicates that your content is reaching the right audience.
  • Conversion potential: A subscriber who is likely to become a real customer - someone who books a room or uses your services - is obviously very valuable.
  • Influence: A subscriber with a large audience or influence of their own can be a major asset, especially if they share or recommend your hotel to their own subscribers.
  • Active participation: A subscriber who enters your contests, responds to your surveys, uses your hashtags or filters, or otherwise interacts with your brand beyond simple likes and comments.
  • Account quality: A subscriber with an active account, with regular photos and posts, and who has a good subscriber-to-subscriber ratio is generally more interesting than a ghost or spam account. The number of subscribers is often not a reliable indicator of success on Instagram. It's often far better to focus on the engagement and quality of subscribers rather than their number.
Did you know? 
According to a survey by Facebook (which owns Instagram), 67% of travelers have used Instagram to find inspiration for new destinations to explore.
To find out more, you can read this article on Instagram for hotels.

Target identification

Determine who your current and potential customers are, and understand their preferences and needs. Several factors contribute to an effective hotel communications strategy. Among them and as stated in the previous plan, determining the target audience, the persona, understanding the needs and expectations of this audience, formulating a clear and powerful message, and choosing the appropriate communication channels to reach travelers.
This concept is so fundamental that we're going to take the time to define it properly.
persona, in the context of marketing and communications, is a fictional, generalized representation of your ideal customer. It's a detailed profile that includes demographic, psychographic and behavioral elements.
A persona can include information such as age, gender, employment status, level of education, but also more specific information such as consumer habits, motivations, goals, challenges and communication preferences.
By using personas, you can better understand your customers' needs and desires, and adapt your products, services and communication strategies to better meet their expectations. In the hospitality sector, personas can help develop personalized offers, create more effective marketing messages and improve the overall customer experience.

Mon hôtel Ohlala targets a clientele in search of an urban, trendy, active, social and convivial experience, certainly international.

You'll need to draw up a detailed profile of your target group, including first names, ages, whether or not they're a couple, party-goers, creative executives, childless... in short, a truly detailed profile of your different personas. It's vital to know how to communicate with them. 

Message development

Effective communication starts with creating a powerful message that resonates with your target audience. This message must be consistent with your brand's identity and meet your customers' expectations

If your hotel is a haven of luxury and tranquility, your message should emphasize the superior quality of your service, the exceptional comfort of your rooms, size, equipment, decoration and the exclusive nature of your hotel experience (location, services, private offers...).

Selecting communication channels

It's all about determining where and how to get your message out. Communication channels vary widely, from social media platforms , to online booking sites, to e-mail campaigns. The choice of channels depends heavily on your target audience and where they are most likely to interact with your brand. 

If you're targeting a younger clientele, social media like Instagram and Snapchat could be smart choices.

Assessment and Adjustment

This stage requires constant evaluation of the effectiveness of your communications strategy. This involves monitoring various performance indicators such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on investment. Fine-tuning is an essential part of this stage, allowing the strategy to be fine-tuned according to observed results and changes in the market environment. 

My hotel invests 1,200 euros per month in Google Ads, and direct bookings linked directly to this advertising investment generate 8,000 euros per month. This is clearly not enough, with a commission equivalent rate (TEQ) of 15%. We need to understand the reasons behind the commission equivalent rate, which is much lower than those tracked by Altelis, with an average TEQ of 10% for these hotels. If a particular advertising campaign is not delivering the expected results, it's important to reassess and modify the approach.

Putting Your Hotel Communication Strategy into Action: Key Methods and Tools

A team of people working in a meeting room
Now that we've defined and detailed what a hotel communications strategy is, and why it's crucial to the success of an establishment, it's time to turn to practice.

Once we've established our objectives, identified your target audience and defined our message, how do we translate these elements into concrete action? What tools, techniques and approaches are at your disposal to bring our communications strategy to life? These are the questions we'll tackle in the next section, where we explore the means we can use to realize our hotel communications strategy.

Definition of Brand Identity and Value Proposition

The initial step to effectively launching a hotel is to clearly define its brand identity and value proposition. This involves determining what sets your hotel apart from its competitors, and what makes it unique and attractive to guests.

Creation of Brand Identity

Your hotel's brand identity includes everything to do with its personality and image, including name, logo, colors, fonts (the graphic charter), communication style and values. It must be consistent and reflected in all aspects of the business, from the on-site customer experience to online representation.

The Oh La La ! hotel has come up with a new logo; here, in a few words, are the guidelines that guided its design.

The Oh La La ! hotel is represented by a distinctive logo that perfectly embodies its bold spirit and singularity. The choice of midnight blue for the logo evokes mystery, and reflects the night-time, festive atmosphere of this unique Parisian venue.

The logo'shandwritten font is a nod to the hotel's intimate, authentic feel. It gives the impression of a warm and welcoming place, while adding a touch of originality and personality. As for the exclamation mark, it symbolizes surprise and wonder, reflecting the experience the hotel offers its guests. This punctuation mark underlines the surprise of discovering the hotel behind the doors of a refined cocktail bar , as well as the excitement of entering a secret room through a back door in the library.

In this way, the Oh la la! logo reflects the unique experience the hotel offers its guests: a Parisian stay full of surprises, charm and elegance, in a dynamic and lively district of the City of Light.
Ohlala hotel logo on white background
Logo for the Ohlala Hotel and Bar in Paris

Value Proposition Definition

The value proposition is what makes your hotel special and attractive to guests. Whether it's an exceptional location, top-of-the-range facilities, excellent customer service, a unique concept or a combination of these elements, it's essential to clearly identify your value proposition in order to communicate it effectively to your target customers.
Example: The value proposition of the Oh la la! hotel is based on three essential pillars:
  • Unique and unusual experience: the Oh la la! hotel offers guests an immersive and unique experience, based on the"speakeasy" concept. Nestled behind a sophisticated cocktail bar, the hotel surprises and amazes with its originality, offering a true urban adventure.
  • Strategic location: Ideally situated in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, a stone's throw from Place de la Bastille, the hotel offers privileged access to the charms of the capital. Whether by public transport or on foot, our guests can easily explore the must-see sites of Paris, while discovering the neighborhood's unusual spots.
  • Personalized, attentive service: At Hotel Oh la la! we make it a point of honor to offer our guests top-quality service. Our teams are dedicated and attentive to our guests' every need to guarantee a stress-free stay and ensure that every experience is a memorable one.
In short, Hotel Oh la la !'s value proposition revolves around offering an unforgettable stay, in a unique location, with exceptional service, in one of Paris's most dynamic districts.

Consistency of Brand Identity and Value Proposition

Ohlala hotel room
Room at Hotel Bar Ohlala, Paris
Once the brand identity and value proposition have been defined, it's crucial to ensure their consistency. This means that every aspect of the guest experience - from the hotel's website to guest reception, facilities, services and even the tone of your social media posts - must reflect this identity and reinforce your value proposition.

Hotel Oh la la!'s brand identity and value proposition are intimately linked and mutually reinforcing. Each element of the brand identity feeds into and supports the principles of the value proposition, creating an overall coherence in the customer experience.
  • Unique and Unusual Experience: The brand's identity is strongly rooted in the"speakeasy" concept, embodying a sense of discovery, surprise and originality. This identity is reflected in the brand's value proposition, which promises customers a unique and offbeat hotel experience, far removed from conventional standards.
  • Strategic location: A location in a dynamic, lively district of Paris is an essential feature of the brand's identity. This is perfectly in line with the brand's value proposition, which emphasizes the convenience of its location, enabling customers to discover the capital with ease.
  • Personalized, attentive service: Hotel Oh la la!'s brand identity is based on quality service and attention to detail. This is directly linked to the value proposition, which promises high-end, personalized service to meet guests' expectations.
In short, Hotel Oh la la !'s brand identity and value proposition are perfectly aligned. They offer a hotel experience that is unique, comfortable and memorable, in keeping with the hotel's brand image: a place of escape and surprise in the heart of the vibrant French capital. A well-deserved resting place after a wild Parisian night. 

Setting up an Optimized Online Presence

In today's connected world, the importance of a solid, strategic online presence is undeniable. For a hotel like Hotel Oh la la ! (our lead example), which aims to stand out from the crowd with a unique concept, the development of a well thought-out digital presence is an essential lever in the communication strategy.

Creating a Brand Website

Salle de restaurant de l'hôtel de Diane
Restaurant, Hôtel de Diane
First and foremost, it's essential to create a website that reflects the brand's image. The site must embody the brand's identity, from its aesthetics to its user-friendliness. It must not only inform visitors about the hotel's offerings, but also offer them a taste of the unique experience that awaits them at Hotel Oh la la! Professional-quality photos, attractive descriptions of rooms and services, and practical information about the location and surroundings all contribute to makingthe website an effective showcase for the hotel.
To find out more about hotel websites, you can read this article.
To see some of our customized hotel websites, you can click on this link.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Next, search engine optimization (SEO ) is a key step in improving the hotel's online visibility . By using relevant keywords and creating quality content, Hotel Oh la la! can position itself favorably on search terms such as "hôtel insolite Paris" or "séjour atypique Bastille". This is crucial to attracting potential new customers looking for a unique hotel experience in Paris.
To find out more about SEO for hotels, read this article

Use of Social Networks

At the same time, implementing a communication strategy on social networks is essential. With an active presence on platforms like Instagram or Facebook, Hotel Oh la la! can share eye-catching images, special offers, and captivating stories that generate interest and engagement. These channels also help create a community around the brand, engage with customers and gather their feedback.
To find out more about Instagram for a hotel, you can read this article

Online Notice Management

Finally, managing online reviews is an essential component of a hotel's digital presence. By encouraging guests to share their experiences and proactively responding to reviews, Hotel Oh la la! can demonstrate its commitment to customer satisfaction, while gathering valuable information to continually improve its services. 
In short, an optimized online presence is a major asset in the Hotel Oh la la! communication strategy. It enables the establishment to stand out in a competitive market, attract and engage targeted customers, and effectively promote its unique offering.

Boosting Visibility with Paid Advertising

In today's competitive digital landscape, it's crucial for a hotel to take advantage of paid advertising to maximize its online visibility and reach its target audience. Hotel Oh la la! can therefore use a variety of paid advertising platforms, such as Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads and meta search, to increase its reach, drive bookings and boost brand awareness.

Google Ads and Bing Ads

These paid advertising platforms enable the hotel to position itself at the top of search results for specific keywords, increasing its visibility for people looking for unique accommodation in Paris. What's more, thanks to the geographic targeting function, the hotel can target users in specific regions, which is particularly useful for attracting international tourists or visitors from other parts of France.
To find out more about Google Ads for hotels, read this article.
Did you know? 
Google's advertising business, mainly Ads, represents sales of US$191 billion out of total Google sales of US$225 billion, i.e. 85% of the total in 2022.   

Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads

Facebook and Instagram ads offer a unique opportunity to reach a precisely defined target audience based on factors such as age, location, interests, and online behavior. With attractive images and engaging content, Hotel Oh la la! can use these platforms to promote its unique concept, share special offers, and invite users to discover its website and make reservations.

Metasearch for Hotels

Travel search engines such as Trivago, Kayak, Google Hotel Ads and TripAdvisor are increasingly popular tools for travelers to compare accommodation offers and find the best deals. Google Hotel Ads is an excellent tool for listing hotels directly on Google, with detailed information and the ability to compare rates from different sources. TripAdvisor, well known for its traveler reviews, also offers the possibility of comparing rates and booking directly.
Integrating the Oh la la ! hotel on these platforms has a dual advantage. On the one hand, it increases the hotel's visibility among an active audience of travelers. On the other hand, these search engines allow users to go directly through the hotel's reservation system, thus improving the user experience by saving web surfers clicks. What's more, this enables the hotel to reduce commissions paid to online travel agencies, since bookings are made directly.
By offering competitive rates and direct access to its reservation system, Hotel Oh la la! can encourage direct bookings, while optimizing its advertising budget. In this way, metasearch for hotels fits perfectly into the establishment's overall communications strategy, strengthening its online presence and stimulating growth.
In conclusion, paid advertising can play a key role in Hotel Oh la la!'s communication strategy, enabling it to reach a wider audience, boost bookings, and increase brand awareness in a measurable and targeted way.
To find out more about hotel metas, read this article
Did you know? 
Metasearch engines play an important role in hotel bookings worldwide. According to the data, 12% of hotel bookings are made via metasearch engines, while 25% are generated by other channels such as SEO, direct, Adwords "ads", Display, and others.

In particular, Google Hotel Ads is the meta-search engine most used by hotels in Europe, with nearly 60% of hotels using it in 201n addition, 65% of all hotel bookings generated by meta-search engines come from Google Hotel Ads. 

Using Social Media and Influence Marketing

Piscine, Hôtel le Grand Large
Social media have become a pillar of hotel marketing. They allow you to engage guests in conversation, share exclusive moments and show what makes Hotel Oh la la! unique. From Facebook to Instagram, each platform offers unique opportunities to tell your hotel's story and interact with your target audience.

Le Rôle Crucial d'Instagram

Instagram, in particular, has taken on a prominent role in the hotel world. With its emphasis on visual imagery, it's the ideal place to share eye-catching photos and videos of the hotel and its surroundings. It's important to post regularly, paying attention to image quality and feed consistency to give a positive, eye-catching impression of the hotel. It's also advisable to use relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience.
To learn more about Instagram for a hotel, we remind you of this article

Engaging with Influencers

Influencer marketing can be a major asset in increasing the visibility of the Hotel Oh la la! It involvesinviting influencers - public figures on social networks who have a large audience - to stay at the hotel and share their experience with their audience. The choice of influencer is crucial: he or she must correspond to the hotel's target persona, to ensure that the message reaches the right people.

Interacting with Customers on Social Media

In addition to sharing content, it's essential to interact with customers on social networks. This includes responding to comments, sharing posts from guests who have tagged the hotel, and handling any complaints or questions. These interactions not only improve customer service, but also strengthen the community around the brand.

Performance monitoring and analysis

To maximize the effectiveness of your social media strategy, it's crucial to track andanalyze performance. This includes tracking the number of subscribers, the rate of engagement, and the reach of publications. This data makes it possible to understand what's working and what can be improved, and to adjust the strategy accordingly.
With an active, well-managed presence on social media, Hotel Oh la la! can improve its visibility, engage its community and attract new customers.

Launch of Public Relations Initiatives and Special Events

Public Relations campaigns

One of the best ways to create buzz around the launch of the Oh la la! Hotel is to implement public relations (PR) initiatives andorganize special events. This can help attract media attention, pique the interest of potential customers and build relationships with industry partners.

Launch and Inauguration Events

Organiser un événement de lancement ou d'inauguration est une excellente façon de célébrer l'ouverture de l'hôtel, d'attirer l'attention des médias et de créer un sentiment d'anticipation. Cet événement pourrait être une soirée d'ouverture avec des cocktails spéciaux, un DJ en direct, ou même un partenariat avec une marque ou un artiste local. L'important est de créer un événement qui reflète l'ambiance et l'esprit de l'Hôtel Oh la la !.

Organization of Special Events

Beyond the launch, Hotel Oh la la! could organize regular special events to attract guests and keep the public interested. This could include themed evenings, cocktail tastings, art exhibitions, and more. These events not only offer an additional experience for guests, but also help establish the hotel as a must-visit local meeting place.

Working with local partners

By collaborating with local partners - be they restaurants, boutiques, art galleries or other businesses - Hotel Oh la la! can enhance its integration into the local community and offer unique experiences to its guests. These partnerships can also be beneficial in terms of public relations, as they can generate opportunities for joint media coverage.
With thoughtful PR initiatives and exciting special events, Hotel Oh la la! can generate excitement, attract media attention and establish its presence in the Bastille district.

Measuring and analyzing post-launch results

Following the launch of the Oh la la! Hotel and the implementation of various communication strategies, it was essential to evaluate the effectiveness of these efforts. Measuring and analyzing results not only allowed us to understand what worked, but also to identify areas for improvement.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) tracking

KPIs are quantitative measures that help evaluate the effectiveness of a campaign or strategy. For Hotel Oh la la! these KPIs included the number of direct bookings, occupancy rate, average revenue per available room (RevPAR), reach and engagement on social networks, website traffic, and many others.

Analysis of the Impact of Social Media and Influence Marketing

The success of Hotel Oh la la !'s social networking and influencer marketing efforts was evaluated by tracking user engagement, the number of content shares, the number of new subscribers, and the impact generated by influencers. This enabled us to adjust our strategy according to the results obtained.

Evaluating the impact of public relations and special events

The launch of special events and public relations were key elements of the Hotel Oh la la! communication strategy. The impact of these initiatives was measured by the number of press articles generated, the number of event participants, and feedback from customers and attendees.

Strategic adjustments based on results analysis

Following analysis of the results, Hotel Oh la la ! made strategic adjustments to continually improve its communications efforts and maximize its impact. This demonstrated the importance of measurement and analysis as essential components of an effective communications strategy.


A team of smiling people seated at a wooden table
And that's it! You've almost reached the end of this incredible journey through hotel communication strategy. Well done for your stamina! If you've read this far, you're either a true enthusiast, or an expert-level procrastinator who'd rather read detailed articles than get down to work. Either way, congratulations! You've shown unfailing determination and curiosity.
Now that you've ingested all these tips, strategies and information, you're armed to the teeth to design the perfect communications strategy for your hotel. Not only can you now throw terms like "persona", "KPIs", "RevPAR" or "influencer marketing" into a conversation like a pro, but you also have a clear understanding of the mechanisms that make a successful hotel communications strategy.
Of course, all this knowledge is nothing if not put into practice. So, dear readers, whether you're a hotel owner or simply a marketing and communications enthusiast, don't hesitate to put these valuable lessons to use. And above all, don't forget to enjoy communicating, because at the end of the day, that's the key to any successful strategy.
Come on, don't give up now, my dear assiduous readers! You've already become true experts in hotel communication strategy. This is the home stretch, I promise you. And to make this final stage more digestible, I'm offering you a sweet and sour mix: an FAQ to answer those little questions that may still be burning a hole in your brain, and a glossary of key terms and acronyms to help you decipher the jargon. 


Q: Do I really need to use all these communication channels for my hotel?

Imagine yourself in a room filled with doors. Each door represents a communication channel. Should you open them all? Not necessarily. The important thing is to choose the doors that lead to your ideal customers. Quality, not quantity, always comes first.

Q: Can I ignore social media?

Unless you prefer to use smoke signals to reach your audience, I wouldn't recommend ignoring social media. They're a powerful way to engage your audience. So don't neglect them!

Q: How long does it take to see results?

Ah, if only I had a crystal ball! It depends on many factors, but remember that communication is a long-term game. Don't expect to see results overnight.

Q: Should I use influencers?

Think of influencers as spotlights. They can really light up your hotel and increase its visibility. But make sure you choose spotlights that showcase your hotel, i.e. influencers that match your brand and your audience.

Q: How do you measure the effectiveness of your communications strategy?

Measuring efficiency is like baking a cake. You need to check regularly to see if it's done. Use analytics tools to track KPIs and adjust your strategy according to the results.
And now for the glossary!

Glossary of Key Terms and Acronyms

  • KPIs: Key Performance Indicators. These are quantitative measures used to evaluate the success of an organization or a specific activity.
  • Persona: A fictitious, generalized profile representing your ideal customer. It includes demographic, psychological and behavioral information.
  • SEO: Search Engine Optimization. It's the art of optimizing your website and content for search engines.
  • SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound. A framework for defining effective objectives.
  • Influencer: A person who has the ability to influence the purchasing decisions of their followers on social media.
  • Metasearch: A search engine
With that, hats off to you, dear freshly graduated hotel communications strategy experts. You can now get back to your cocktails on the beach, your favorite soap operas or, who knows, designing your hotel's next big communications campaign. Onward and upward, strategists!
If you feel like it, don't hesitate to contact us - we're sure we can help.
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